Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We have all been to school! Watching these birds at 'flying school' was so fascinating...The students were so orderly, and learnt so well and quickly...the timing was right.  They were so cute...there is always that one little student who captures the hearts of all...Taking time out of ones hectic life to enjoy nature and realize we are a part of nature is so important.

Spanish Cove Jamaica - Runaway Bay JAMAICA
 My staff loves to add their little 'flare' to the table. After all....Food is an art, even peanut more creative the presentation of your meals the more enjoyable the ritual of 'eating'. Guava Jelly is an all Jamaicans favourite!

Spanish Cove Jamaica - Runaway Bay JAMAICA

This is our only reminder of the existence of winter....The advertisement of 'Ice'!

Along the Junction Roads of JAMAICA

